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Our Unhinged President; 10/19/20 From the New Canaanite - by Victor Alvarez

Dear Editor,

Our unhinged President has called upon Republicans to “secure our election” (“Army for Trump,” Hartford Courant, Oct. 10). The head of Connecticut’s Republican party has enthusiastically taken up the cause and is rallying volunteers to go to the polls presumably for the purpose of intimidating voters. Calculated use of lies, fear, and division are nothing new for this President, whose rhetoric and disregard of democratic norms I’ve not heard Republican challengers Ryan Fazio, Fred Wilms, Kim Healy, or Representative Tom O’Dea condemn.

When every Republican Senator bar one acquitted Trump of impeachment charges earlier this year, it is likely that the Republican Senators who found him innocent did so out of expediency, following the dictates of the Republican establishment at the expense of their responsibility to uphold justice. This grip Trump has on Republican officials extends to those state and municipal Republicans whose silence tells us they are unconflicted about the degradation of our democratic process and rule of law resulting from Trump’s words and deeds.

This is why I encourage you to re-elect Lucy Dathan, Will Haskell, Alex Kasser, and Jim Himes. They have been unequivocal in their condemnation of Trump’s most divisive actions, AND—far from “fiddling while CT burns” as Republican candidates would have us believe—they have gotten results:

Alex Kasser introduced bills to adopt shared-risk pension plans and to require full pension funding. Lucy Dathan has worked on increasing access to health care to all Connecticut residents, mental health parity, ending surprise billing, and other barriers to make affordable and comprehensive care a reality. Will Haskell co-sponsored new laws on gun reform, college affordability, and environmental protections that all got signed into law.

Lucy, Will, Alex, and Jim have both the proven leadership and integrity to keep all of us moving forward. Please join me in supporting them on November 3rd.


Victor Alvarez